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Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery. And whatever you feel like...
NBC cancelled Ann Coulter's appearance on the Today Show. Now we move to "liberal" CBS where she's...
CIA Director Leon Panetta
This should be very interesting to watch. It could've been a lot worse. We were almost stuck with...
Afternoon Awesome
BLAM! Take that, Skeletor. h/t Mr. Doctorow Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
I was tinkering with the spam filters on the comments, but it looks like some of you haven't been...
Mutually Assured Destruction
Digby: So Coulter is not only attacking liberals these days, but Republicans, war heroes, single...
Tax Cuts
The Obama team announced the tax cut portion of their stimulus proposal and it turns out that 40...
Reid Tells Coleman To Concede
While I agree with the sentiment, I can't imagine that Norm Coleman is intimidated by the mighty...
Your Money! That You Earned!
WASHINGTON — President George W. Bush's "after-life," as Laura Bush calls the post-presidency, is...