Rick Warren? Giving the invocation at the inauguration? This is a joke, right? Hoo-hoo! Good one...
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Why the Media Taint-Mongers Continue to Wrongfully Accuse Obama Enjoy! Share this:Click to share on...
The Periodic Table of Awesoments
By The Dapperstache. Click for Full Size h/t Xeni Jardin Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
That New York cop who flagrantly decked a bike rider has been indicted. Share this:Click to share...
Vilsack For Agriculture
by Lee Stranahan Continuing my tradition of mentioning Barack Obama's cabinet picks with stuff I...
Note to Cable News Taint-Mongers
From Mr. Boehlert: According to all available information, Emanuel talked with Blago's staff about...
Very Serious Republicans…
...and their very serious priorities for Congress: 1. Welfare reform. 2. Balanced budget amendment...
The Halperin Taint
As predicted yesterday morning, here's NBC's Washington bureau chief Mark Whitaker echoing...
Of Course!
Barack Obama is the TIME Person of the Year. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
Okay, Grab Your Shoes
Let's go throw some shoes at the Goldman Sachs building. Somehow they're only paying a 1% tax rate...