Admittedly, this could be a post hoc ergo propter hoc. But remember when our favorite hack Mark...
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The Train to Washington
President-elect Obama is paying tribute to Lincoln's journey to Washington: On Jan. 17, Obama and...
Oh Really?
This headline made me laugh: Pelosi lays down the law with Rahm Of course the Speaker is allowed to...
What's the Prize?
Still trying to figure out how showing solidarity with a man who physically accosted the president...
Morning Awesome
Tears for Fears - "Head Over Heels" Literal Video Version Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Something Ridiculous… the end of a crazy day of blogotubing. Here's what everyone on my Christmas list is getting:...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery and shoes. Tonight! The...
Soles For Souls
Photo: 'philliefan99' / Flickr. A homeless man on 13th Street in Washington, DC. Here's a decent...
Bad Idea
This. I'm feeling really out of the loop on this thing -- even though I have a profound and well...
How Can I Change The World…
...If I Can't Change Myself? by Lee Stranahan There's a local story in Los Angeles about a...