Josh Marshall: The automaker bailout is now, apparently, officially and really dead. Dems were...
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Note to the Press RE: Taint
Rod Blagojevich, rightly or not, is the governor of Barack Obama's home state. He's not some lesser...
The Republicans may have just screwed us all. Senate Republicans last night blocked a deal to bail...
Morning Awesome
Adam Kimmel presents: "Claremont HD" This is one of the most insane things I've ever seen. When I...
Quote of the Day
"Gov. Palin, to some extent, pushed the party more to the right, and I think she had something of a...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery and also. Tonight! Take a...
Very Serious Question
When does "Chicago politics" replace "San Francisco values" (gay!) as the far-right's favorite...
No Exorcists in 2012
Bobby Jindal isn't running. So we know it'll probably be Huckacrazy, Romney and Palin -- who was...
Nothing To Fear
by Lee Stranahan As grim as the economists seem to be and as serious as I think the economic...
A Very Strange Time In Our Lives
Ambinder reporting: It's quite unsettling to talk to members of Barack Obama's transition teams...