Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery and also such as. Tonight...
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Their CEOs Are Better Than Our CEOs
Posted by JumpyPants Hey, Wall Street and Detroit - check it out and get your damn priorities...
New Huffington Post Column
Obama Unfairly Tainted by Crimes He Didn't Commit Enjoy! Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Afternoon Awesome
President Bush kept us safe? Seriously? h/t Paddy Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...
Really, Republicans? REALLY?
Posted by JumpyPants Despite the fact that Obama didn't endorse Rod [expletive]ojevich for his 2002...
Posted by JumpyPants Politico has more details about the Obama-Blago relationship, which seems to...
Breaking: Obama from Chicago!
Posted by JumpyPants Patrick Fitzgerald has said that the President-Elect has clean hands in this...
I Ghostwrite For Obama
by Lee Stranahan Here's the statement I'd LIKE to see... "I don't have anything to add to what is...
On The Radio
I'm scheduled to be on the Basham & Cornell Show sometime after 11AM eastern time this morning...
Renounce And Reject
The cable news is telling me that the President-elect wasn't aggressive enough renouncing Governor...