President Bush, that is. Among the Bush administration's final environmental legacies will be a...
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Morning Awesome
The Police - "Synchronicity II" Live This is quite possibly one of the top ten greatest rock songs...
Chez Bush
by Stranahan Although it really couldn't be fast enough, George W. Bush will be moving to Dallas...
As Yglesias points out, the next most expedient path to a filibuster proof majority is D.C...
My Vote For Quote Of The Day
by Lee Stranahan I was thinking about a post saying that if we're considering mandating a pause in...
Great Expectations? Or Impossible Ones?
Stranahan Maybe the level of criticism of Obama by some people in the media and even politicians...
Very Serious Question
How many votes have Lizard People gained in Minnesota? Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting your favorite cable news hackery or whatever you want to write about...
It takes a special brand of crazy -- crazy-strength -- to haul a widely and thoroughly debunked...
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CESCA'S TAKE: Five totally predictable news items Mark Halperin will tell us to "watch for" in...