Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackey and whatever else you're...
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New Huffington Post Column
Sarah Palin: The New and 'Explosive' Leader of the GOP Also. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Stages Of GOP Grief
I, Stranahan From Wikipedia... The Kübler-Ross model first introduced by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in...
The Saxbe Fix
Regarding the constitutional problem with Hillary Clinton moving from the Senate to the State...
Doof Quote of the Day
“We’ve won the war." Bill Kristol If by "win" he means "destabilized an entire region; fomented...
Defusing The Opposition With Friendlies
Rude Pundit: If the great and glorious David Petraeus and the shiny Robert Gates are saying, "Bring...
Welcome Homeland
by Lee Stranahan This New York Times articles about the shock ex-Clinton aides are getting at how...
Bill Richardson Thoughts
I'm still wrapping my head around the Commerce post for Richardson. On the surface, it looks like a...
Republicans won't be using the words "up or down vote" as much as they used to. In other words: not...
Morning Awesome
Goodie Bag - "I Love Progress Bars" Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click...