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Does David Sirota Know What 'Rivals' Means?
by Lee Stranahan To oppose or compete with... I like David Sirota but the handwringing over the...
Lance Will Ride
It's confirmed: Lance Armstrong will ride in the 2009 Tour de France, marking the first time he...
Failure of Intelligence
As Sargent writes, the establishment media is enabling the president's ridiculous, "I don't know ...
Karl Rove Likes Things
by Lee Stranahan My newest piece at The Huffington Post is right here. That's a hint, by the way...
Aw Crap.
The Northwest Passage is open for shipping. See? President-elect Obama hasn't fixed the polar ice...
Nobody Anticipated The Breach of the Levees
Since December, 2007: • “We don’t believe we’re going to have a recession though.” [Vice President...
Morning Awesome
Red Hot Chili Peppers "Under the Bridge" Literal Video Version Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
TypePad Success… Maybe
I tinkered with the comment template tonight and I think we're running smoothly with TypePad. Let...
Ill*Doctrine Is Awesome
by Lee Stranahan Somebody on YouTube asked me why I hadn't made an Obama election reaction video...