Mark my words, this will be the accusation from the far-right whenever President-elect Obama takes...
Latest Articles
Hitting The Ground Flying
by Stranahan On the day after the inauguration, I think the Obama economic team will immediately...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight! Why can't Obama...
It's Stretch
David Gregory will be the permanent host of Meet the Press. Expect many more years of false...
The Other Page
CESCA'S TAKE -- Five random observations Mark Halperin will pass off as insightful and serious...
Oh My God!
That headline is precisely what I shouted when I watched the end of this Saxby Chambliss...
No Soup for You!
Oliver Willis: Five Obama press conferences, zero questions for Fox News. I wonder why, why and why...
'A New Beginning'
The president-elect today: "And so, in this uncertain world, the time has come for a new beginning ...
Look out! Drama!
Whoa! Whoa! Slow down, Senator. It's like an avalanche of drama! The world is now buried alive in...
Inaugural Construction
I stopped through D.C. yesterday and grabbed some photos of the inaugural podium under construction...