So weird. The Washington Post, Newsweek and the AP still haven't called Missouri for either McCain...
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Cool Stuff About President-elect Obama
• He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics • He can bench press an impressive 200lbs •...
He's now leading by 814 over convicted felon Senator Stevens. Looks like ballots are being dumped...
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Scary kids in Idaho: Whoolery and his wife couldn't believe it when their second and third graders...
Morning Awesome
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Free Market Intellectual Violence
They're not irrelevant, and they're not going away. Limbaugh and Hannity have coined the phrase...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for commenting on the nightly hackery found upon the cable also. Tonight! I can't even...
44 Can Draw, Too
I'm seriously impressed by this doodle -- drawn by our next president: Without reading the article...
New Huffington Post Column
What Doesn't Kill The Far-right Only Makes Them Crazier Enjoy! Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Never Again
I agree with Sullivan about continuing to keep an eye on Sarah Palin's hijinks. This deluded and...