Exit polling from the NY Times: • Nationally, five percent MORE white people voted for President...
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A Long, Long Road
One of my favorite scenes from the brilliant HBO mini-series John Adams. And in 76 days, President...
Pettiness and Partisanship
Earlier today, Sarah Palin said she'd work to fight pettiness and partisanship. Weird of her to...
Malik Obama
Photo: Matt Dunham / AP The president-elect's half-brother Malik celebrates in Kolego, Kenya. Share...
Chief of Staff
Clearly, the choice of Rahm Emanuel as White House Chief of Staff indicates that the president...
Posted by JumpyPants It dawned on me just now, oddly, as I was readjusting my 3-year old's car seat...
Palin is on the cable vowing to end "the pettiness and excessive partisanship." Does that mean...
Kos: Georgia: Saxby Chambliss (R) leads Jim Martin (D) 50-46. However, the Atlanta Journal...
Tom Brokaw: Brokaw on Morning Joe cited as evidence for the center-right thesis the idea that a...
Throw Out the Rule Book
Posted by JumpyPants For nearly my lifetime, the conventional wisdom has been that no one...