McCain either doesn't know what "vindicated" means or he's deliberately attempting to trick the...
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Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting the pre-election "extended weekend coverage" cable news hackery. Or...
Sarah Palin thinks we're at war with Iran: "and really shore up the strategies that we need over in...
Quote of the Day
"I'd like to congratulate Senator McCain on this endorsement because he really earned it. That...
Magical Zogby
Four years ago, Zogby called the election for John Kerry: 311-213. Share this:Click to share on...
Mind Screw Poll
I've been thinking about this today and decided to put it into poll form. Which of the following...
The Redskins Election Myth
If the Redskins win Monday night, you might hear Drudge and the others suggesting that it's a sign...
TPM's Poll Tracker has moved Arizona into the yellow toss-up category. Huzzah! Share this:Click to...
Rejecting The Dark Side
Josh Marshall echoes my thoughts from earlier this week: We'll always have a national dark side...
Who Is Your Daddy, And What Does He Do
Can't. Wait. To. Hear. This! MONTREAL — A Quebec comedy duo notorious for prank calls to...