Posted by JumpyPants When some of my otherwise smart friends were freaking out in the days and week...
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Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight! I guess the "race...
Sarah Palin on the vice presidency. October 4, 2008. FOX News Channel. Q: One of the things you...
Republican Lawyer Doug Kmiec…
...obviously endorsed Senator Obama because Doug Kmiec is black. Maybe even one of those "Arab...
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Taylor Marsh: I cast an early and enthusiastic vote for Obama-Biden. As a die hard Hillary...
Pew poll among likely voters... Obama 53, McCain 39. That's gotta be an outlier. UPDATE: None of...
The McCain campaign spent $8,672.55 in September on a make-up artist for John McCain. Share...
Former GOP Congressman Jim Leach…
...endorsed Senator Obama just because Leach is black. Wait. Get out! Leach is white? How can that...
Conservative Author Andrew Bacevich… only endorsing Senator Obama because Bacevich is totally a black guy. Whoops. What ho...
Nope. Totally wrong. Just like her answer in the debate, as well as this nonsensical gibberish. The...