Posted by JumpyPants The moment of the debate, THE moment, is when Obama said, "Here's your fine...
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Paging Dr. Palin!
Posted by JumpyPants Listening back to parts of the debate, it seems clear that John McWinceyface...
Posted by JumpyPants Watching McCheapshot flail about like a lobster at a seafood restaurant...
Liveblogging The Final Debate – Thread 3
9:36PM McCain has become Rush Limbaugh tonight. ACORN, Ayers, everything. 9:37PM McCain looks...
Liveblogging The Final Debate – Thread 2
8:46PM New thread. 8:48PM There are literally around a thousand pundits of all varieties on CNN...
Liveblogging The Final Presidential Debate
7PM EDT Here we go! Before we dive in, we're only $95 away from our $3000 fundraising goal for the...
Posted by JumpyPants I think we're gonna see some tag-teaming wrasslin' on Obama tonight...
A Grand Three Grand For Obama
It's time for a donation rally. Let's raise a thousand three thousand dollars for the Obama...
The Shape of Things is Whack
Posted by JumpyPants AP: Investors agonizing over a faltering economy sent the stock market...
That historic gain on Monday? Between yesterday and today... Totally erased. When will President...