Florida is now solidly blue -- Obama ahead by six. Obama leads by a point in North Carolina. Obama...
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30 Days, 30 Reasons – Day 21
Number 21 - No More Secrets by Lee Stranahan Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
Clinging To Their… You Know…
This sort of message is entirely what Senator Obama was talking about with his "bitter" remarks...
Go Rachel Maddow!
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Oh, please, please please!
Posted by JumpyPants Via TPM: On Fox News this afternoon, senior McCain adviser Tucker Bounds did...
The Obama campaign purchased billboard ads -- inside the video game Burnout. Not only is the...
Another Smart McCain Voter
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Morning Joe
James Cromwell is presently on MSNBC talking about W -- and scaring the piss out of the Morning Joe...
Morning Awesome
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Prime Time Thread
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight! McCain's epic fail...