Palin's approval numbers. Last Thursday (9/11) Approve 52 Disapprove 35 No opinion 13 Today (9/18)...
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From the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. Nice. Share this:Click to share on...
Experience-shmerience. Just Trust Her.
Palin at a townhall yesterday: But as for foreign policy, you know, I think that I am prepared and...
Palin Opposes Rape Kits Because…
...rape kits also contain...emergency contraception. Oh noes! For the record, I don't think Hannity...
Biden Chats With Clinton
By way of something out of the ordinary, here's a 30-minute webcast chat between Senator Biden and...
Who Is Zapatero, Alex?
In an interview, McCain didn't recognize the name of Spain's prime minister, and the Spanish press...
Morning Awesome
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Holy Crap. West Virginia?
Just checked in over at Pollster to go through the electoral map and noticed that they've put West...
Palin's E-mail Was Hacked
She had a Yahoo e-mail account? Doy. Did she host the official Alaskan government website at Tripod...
Liveblogging Prime Time
Open thread for discussing and ripping the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight... The...