Joan Walsh from Salon is on Morning Joe suggesting that Obama needs to speak in soundbytes and...
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Morning Awesome
Ninja Cat. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook...
Liveblogging Prime Time
Open thread for liveblogging the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight... McCain invented...
Obama Rips McCain
Again, Phil Gramm is partly responsible for deregulating Wall Street. And you can bet on the fact...
WTF, McCain?!
Think Progress caught this inexplicable McCain flip-flop: On NBC’s Today Show, McCain told Matt...
Conservatives to Palin: 'Thanks, But No Thanks'
And the buzz is wearing off. Richard Cohen: McCain has turned ugly. [...] His opportunistic and...
John McCain: BlackBerry Inventor!
Posted by JumpyPants As the avalanche of McNutjob's lies continues to take down the mountain of his...
More Of The Same
Just a reminder: John McCain's top economic advisor, former Sen. Phil Gramm, is the guy who...
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Nader Loses Shpadoinkle
It's a shame because he has the right ideas. But he's gone down the lonely Mike Gravel road to...