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Holy Crap. West Virginia?
Just checked in over at Pollster to go through the electoral map and noticed that they've put West...
Palin's E-mail Was Hacked
She had a Yahoo e-mail account? Doy. Did she host the official Alaskan government website at Tripod...
Liveblogging Prime Time
Open thread for discussing and ripping the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight... The...
He's got this. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook...
So... Let's all vote based on lapel pins and moose hunting! Just don't ask either of the Republican...
This is McCain on Drugs
Posted by JumpyPants Senator McNutjob is talking so fast out of both sides of his mouth that I...
New Huffington Post Column
This week... Enough! Here's Why The Polls Are So Damn Close. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Warren Buffett: Obama Can Run A Business
Posted by JumpyPants "I would put either one of them in charge of a business." That's the richest...
Obama Gets It
Posted by JumpyPants Have you seen Obama's new two minute long ad (TWO MINUTES?!?!?! TWO?!?! TWO...