It's a shame because he has the right ideas. But he's gone down the lonely Mike Gravel road to...
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Palin Is Pain With An L
AIG is about to crap out worse than Lehman. John McCain is quoting Herbert Hoover almost verbatim...
McCain Doesn't Know
"The important thing is she's vetoed a half a billion dollars in earmark projects -- far, far in...
Morning Awesome
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That's Not An Olympics She Can Believe In
Why? Why? She needs to explain this one. Palin vetoed $275,000 in Special Olympics Alaska funds. I...
Liveblogging Prime Time
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight... The fundamentals...
The Palin Bubble Is Bursting
Her approval numbers have dropped five points since Thursday, and her disapproval numbers have gone...
Strong McBush Economy Fever! Catch it! For the record, since the night of Sarah Palin's overrated...
McCain Fever!
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Ground Game
From a reader in the "How much more red can it be and the answer is none -- none more red" state of...