I agree with Amato that Senator Obama's interview with Bill O'Reilly didn't get enough attention...
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Mad Men
This season of Mad Men has been outstanding so far, and there was a scene from last Sunday's "The...
GOP Frames
Following up on that Lakoff article... I was just watching this web video questioning McCain's lack...
Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday! "Mitchell" - Part 4. Continued from last week. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Thanks, But Nooo Thanks
If you're an animal lover, here's another reason to seriously question Sarah Palin's judgment...
Case Closed
Sarah Palin had a direct hand in eliminating rape examinations from the Wasilla city budget ...
Advice for Obama
I've been trying to avoid posting or linking to "OH NOES! Obama had better [insert frantic advice...
Bridge? No, no. She Supported A 'Link'
About that bridge ta' nooowhere: PALIN: What I supported was the link between a community and its...
Liveblogging Prime Time
Open thread for documenting the constant variety of cable news hackery. Tonight... Why 'regular...
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