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Wingnut Mailbag
Dear whoever screens Bobs Emails and/or Bob: You are a fucking phoney. You will not post simple...
McCain Loves Lobbyists
This website is a beautiful thing. Notice Vicki Iseman on there, too. h/t Pandagon Share this:Click...
Morning Awesome
Feel free to use this as a 9/11 Tribute open thread. (Bumped to the top of the page) Share...
Matt Damon presents a perfectly concise and terrifying argument enumerating the dangers of a Vice...
This Will Make You Smile
PHILADELPHIA - Republican presidential candidate John McCain cut short his first public appearance...
Liveblogging Prime Time
7:34PM EDT Open thread to document the cable news hackery. Hold onto your baseball bats. Tonight...
Politico: According to a “summary of requests for federal appropriations” posted to her budget...
Race-baiting All Over The Damn Place
While I agree with Josh about the subtle race-baiting in the McCain sexual predator ad, Sarah...
New Huffington Post Item
We won't get fooled again, but the rest of America might. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...