Doy! Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, the Republican vice presidential nominee claimed...
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More Like This One, Please
NYT: Cheney Endorses Palin, Liked Her Speech ROME - Vice President Dick Cheney, not surprisingly...
No More Lies
Just a reminder... Rachel Maddow's show premieres tonight. Watch it. And tell everyone you know to...
The day after Palin's speech, the Dow dropped 344 points. Two days after her speech, we heard about...
That USA Today Poll?
Don't sweat it. It's a fluke. But if it doesn't even out next week, then we should worry. Share...
Keith And Chris
Keith Olbermann won't be anchoring election coverage any more. Why? Partly because the Republicans...
Morning Awesome
Iron Maiden - "No More Lies" Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...
Biden Called Her Out
So Palin acquiescing and agreeing to an interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson is being linked to...
Charlie Gibson
Remember the Democratic debate in Philadelphia hosted by George Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson...
WTF, Joe?!
I absolutely agree with Josh: Do we need to remind Joe Biden he was hired to take the gloves off...