Vent your frustrations here. On FOX News Sunday, Brit Hume called the economic situation right now...
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Far-right Media
Via GottaLaff: On September 2 and September 3, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News each dedicated more on-air...
'A Little Less Conversation'
That's the name of the Elvis song that McCain-Palin have been playing as they take to the stump...
Morning Awesome
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If Sarah Palin can't handle Tom Brokaw or even the propagandists at FOX News, how can any American...
Awesome Thread
Open thread for all of your threading and thread-like remnarks remarks. Edit: Yeah, I don't know...
Afternoon Awesome
Not to pat myself on the back to heavily, but here's a liveblog entry I wrote Thursday night:...
Senator Biden seriously needs to cut this shit out. "John McCain is my friend," said the loquacious...
Fannie and Freddie Fail
The government is taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And if McCain wins, maybe Palin can...
Because She's A White Republican
Ridley: If you are biracial and born in a state not connected to the lower 48, America needs darn...