We're just over one week into the McCain-Palin ticket and they're already acting like Bush-Cheney...
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Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday! "Mitchell" - Part 3. Continued from last week. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Sarah Who?
The Obama campaign appears to be totally ignoring Sarah Palin, which is probably a smart idea. Why...
Go Biden!
Senator Biden fires away at the Republicans In Langhorne, PA. (h/t Paddy) Share this:Click to share...
Liveblogging Prime Time
After the overwhelming success of the liveblogging threads this week, I thought I'd post a nightly...
Afternoon Awesome
Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new...
The Script
I've been going off about this idea of a barbecue media script -- the same tactics and programming...
So that greenscreen background? It was Walter Reed. Walter Reed Middle School, that is. Whoever put...
Matthews vs. Buchanan! Fight!
I don't mean to be overly hasty on this assessment, but Chris Matthews is really redeeming himself...
Awesome Thread
Imagine if Senator Obama announced that with 60 days to go in this thing he was flying back to...