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Liveblogging The RNC – Day Four
6:29PM One more night of this craptastical journey into the depths of far-right stupid. I'll be...
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But... but... Community organizers don't do anything and Sarah Palin didn't choke on her own tongue...
Cindy McCain's banana outfit cost more than your house. Actual retail price: $300,000. And after...
The Biggest Lie
As I pointed out in my liveblog last night, the biggest Palin lie was probably this one: Listening...
New Huffington Post Item
George W. Palin. I decided to expand the More of the Same post below into something more detailed...
Where was Governor Palin's American flag pin? Why does she hate America? Share this:Click to share...
Afternoon Awesome
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Independent voters from the "so goes the nation" state of Michigan: “Nothing worked for me. I found...