If this morning is any indication, the barbecue media is back. They've totally caved under pressure...
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More of The Same
The Republicans have found their new George W. Bush. Governor Palin or Governor Bush. They're the...
Racist Republicans
At what point will Governor Palin be challenged on her flagrantly racist community organizer remark...
Romney Rage
The best blogger remark about Romney's rant: Mitt Romney seems to use the word "liberal" in a...
Morning Awesome
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Liveblogging The RNC – Day Three
6:27PM I'll be underway at the Huffington Post at around 7PM, but I thought I'd hit the gavel on...
McDoocy Theorem
Governor Jon Huntsman of Utah just said on MSNBC that Governor Palin has foreign policy experience...
Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy think the Palin selection is both "cynical" and "political bullshit":...
That's Senator McCain pawing Levi Johnson. My first reaction was: "What the hell are they thinking...
You're On Your Own — Unless You're A Palin
ST. PAUL -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee who revealed Monday...