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Thanks, Governor
Gallup Daily Tracking Poll: Obama (D) 50% McCain (R) 42% Sign the petition. Share this:Click to...
She Wanted to Ban Books? Seriously?
If this is true, it's more than a little frightening. TIME Magazine: Stein says that as mayor...
The Gender Card
GOP hacks are accusing liberals of sexism and chauvinism because of the Palin situation. Question...
Petition: Keep Governor Palin!
I started a petition. Here's the full text: To: Republican National Committee & John McCain...
Finally, Rasmussen Catches Up
Tuesday's Rasmussen Poll: Obama - 48 McCain - 43 When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 51%...
Scarborough's Threat
For the last half hour or so, Scarborough has been alluding to "not outting someone else's kids" as...
The Far-Right Is Pro-Choice After All
Every far-right hack on television is praising "choices" and "decisions" and "privacy" today. And...
Governor McFraud
Eugene Robinson: ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Has anyone noticed that Sarah Palin's central claim to...
McCain and Limbaugh On Respecting 'The Kids'
John McCain in 1998 joking about Chelsea Clinton: "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her...