I was going to take a break from ripping the media on the Huffington Post this week. But after...
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Knock-off In The Sand
Not unlike all of his various instances of selling out his values for a few extra barbecue kudos...
Saddleback Forum
Here are my (rather predictable) reactions: SENATOR OBAMA: Personable, cool, honest, comfortable...
Morning Awesome
SPOILER. The final scene from M. Night's Unbreakable. This was on Sci-Fi yesterday and I had almost...
No Sir. I Don't Like It.
Huh-whah? General Wesley Clark is not attending the Democratic National Convention. I was told by...
Why George Lucas Sucks
Four words: "negotiations over trade routes" That, and the creepy blank expressions on the ugly CG...
But, But… There's Armadillas To Chase
Senator McCain is (inaccurately) suggesting that the Russia-Georgia situation is the first "serious...
Twitchy McCain: Abba Edition
"Heh?! Mamma Mia? Heh?!" Yikes. I'm probably alone on this one, but doesn't he seem like that...
Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday! "Mr. B Natural - Part 2" continued from last week. Share this:Click to share on...
Nope. Not Him Either.
Prediction (an easy one): Senator Obama's running mate will not be Senator Kerry. In fact, I...