By Elvis Dingeldein Brooding, sad-sack violin music accompanies dulcet, sympathetic V.O.: "At 37...
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A Very Important Question
Why can't Senator McCain close the deal? Over the last four weeks he's used everything -- from...
The Obamas' Marriage
On CNN right now... How the Obamas met. Nice story. Now when will we see the CNN segment about how...
Morning Awesome
Brazilian guitarist Fernando Miyata. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
The Rachel Maddow Show!
This made me smile. Just in time for the closing rush of the presidential election, MSNBC is...
E-Mail Of The Day
I have something thats bothering me in re something missing in the blogs and the MSM reportage on...
AP: His top contenders are said to include Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and former Massachusetts Gov...
I Agree With Andrew
It's worth noting that pursuing the cross-in-the-dirt evangelical parable as it might have happened...
I signed up for the VP announcement text message thing, but I'm prepared to be disappointed by...
For The Sake of Balance
When is CNN sponsoring a candidate forum hosted by Thom Hartmann at, say, the Center for American...