Very serious: My friends, we have reached a crisis, the first probably serious crisis...
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How Bizarre Is This?
I had a dream last night that Senator Obama picked Governor Sebelius for his running mate. First...
What's That You Say?
“Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st Century.” ...
If You Want A War With Russia
Vote for Senator McCain. McCain, speaking with U.S. News en route from Birmingham, Mich., to Eagle...
Morning Awesome
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Pick Your Favorite McCain Nickname!
John McCain is a really boring, un-exotic, un-foreign, un-SEXY sounding name. But it doesn't have...
John McCain Farts In Old Ladies’ Faces
Posted By JumpyPants That's right. John McCain farts in old ladies' faces. He waits until they're...
Here's A Stupid Question
Why wasn't Cliff Schecter invited on Larry King to promote The Real McCain? Share this:Click to...
The Young Turks
I'll be on with Cenk (and Ben?) tonight at 10PM EDT to discuss all things exotic. Share this:Click...
The Barbecue Media
I've received a few e-mails asking what "barbecue media" means. First, this: It's a concise, snarky...