Very interesting. Barack Obama's VP choice will speak on the veteran-themed third night of the...
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The McBush Doctrine
Is it possible that Putin is simply following President Bush's example? Yes it is. If there's a...
Look Who's Being Uppity
Why, it's Senator McBush! John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, on Monday upstaged...
By way of a follow-up to yesterday's Hawaii post, Digby reports: Cokie Roberts said today that...
This Is Why Democrats Lose
When we lose, we lose because of glad-handing and complimenting the opposition. Senator Feingold on...
Random Observation
CNN anchor Tony Harris is too cheerful, bordering on Eddie-Haskel-smarmy. Share this:Click to share...
'He'll Make Dick Cheney Look Like Gandhi'
So said Pat Buchanan about Senator McCain. And you know, I agree. After being 'fooled again' eight...
He's Very Serious Mark Halperin…
...And so he can write whatever douchey scribble he wants and yet he'll always be taken very...
TPM: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that McCain is set to hold a fundraiser next week...