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About That 'Safe' Power Plant
Senator McBush yesterday in Michigan: "My experience with nuclear power goes back many years to...
Oh Please Oh Please Oh Please…
...let Senator McCain's running mate be Mitt Romney. Reason the first: I want to see endless photo...
McCain Needs To Watch More TV
AP Photo/Mary Altaffer Senator McCain toured the Enrico Femi power plant in Michigan yesterday and...
Thank you, MSNBC
Whoever replaced Joe Scarborough with women's soccer made me smile. That smile turned to anger, of...
Morning Awesome
U2 "The Fly" Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook...
I Called It
The first part of that new Paris Hilton spoof ad looks awfully familiar to me, but I just can't...
Afternoon Awesome
This is arguably one of Senator Obama's finest moments. Seriously -- how awesome was that? Share...
Suck On This, Far-right McBush Bloggers
The hippies at, errm, TIME Magazine: The Bush Administration estimates that expanded offshore...
More Like This One, Please
Senator Kerry: "I don't know if you know this. John McCain is looking for someone for vice...