I forget where I saw this bit of news on the TV, so forgive me for the lack of hat-tipping, but yes...
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He's An Old Man
And -- so what -- he has "senior moments." What's the big deal? It's not like being the president...
Your Barbecue Media
I just heard on Lou Dobbs that Senator Obama didn't get a bounce from his overseas trip "despite...
Why did Tom Brokaw just bring up -- totally at random -- General Clark's "getting shot down"...
McCain Is Worse Than Bush
Jonathan Alter writes: I misread McCain. Joe Klein wrote: A few months ago, I wrote that John...
Morning Awesome
The Flaming Lips cover Elvis's "Suspicious Minds" Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...
THE PRESIDENT: President George W. Bush calling to congratulate you on 20 years of important and...
One Huge Reason To Vote For Obama
MCCAIN: And some of those tactics — you mention the war in Iraq — are like that we use in the...
Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday! "Hired! Part 2" continued from last Saturday. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Sad, Sad Little Old Man
Senator McCain is so pathetic and desperate that he's resorted to simply making fun of Senator...