This week... One of us! One of us! One of us! Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
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It Can't Be Governor Kaine
Via C&L: Yesterday on WTOP’s “Ask the Governor” hour, Governor Kaine said that he opposed using...
Thanks for the Record Profits, America!
Despite the rotting economy, Exxon-Mobil posted its largest profit margin ever. $11.6 billion. And...
Britney Ad Reaction
"diminishes John McCain." "enough." "childish." "this tomfoolery needs to stop." Pro-Obama liberal...
Morning Awesome
Elvis Costello and Beastie Boys - "Radio Radio" (I pulled a change-up. Dropped the original MA and...
Real Old
So I threw this together as a deliberately low-brow satirical response to the new Britney &...
Afternoon Awful
No excuse. None. And now the officer is blaming the cyclist. (h/t Drunk Cyclist) Share this:Click...
Happy Falafel Day!
Blue Gal reminds us that July 30 is Falafel Day! Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
Another word used on cable news this morning to describe Senator Obama -- and obviously not for the...
They're Imagining This
EDMONTON, Alberta — A chunk of ice spreading across seven square miles has broken off a Canadian...