...Which is why he wasted Senator Obama's time by reciting the collected works of David Brooks and...
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Next Stop: Hoo-Sane
Josh Marshall: For all the seismic shifts that have taken place over the last two weeks, we need to...
Worst Person In The World
If there was any doubt about whether or not Senator McBush was a typical Bush Republican, this...
Morning Awesome
"Baman Piderman" (I can't explain why this is awesome, but it just is.) Share this:Click to share...
More Like This One, Please
Bob Herbert gets it right re: The Barbeque Media... Can you imagine the firestorm of outrage and...
U.S. News rumor guy Paul Bedard: But if you want a really juicy rumor, consider who some key...
And The Field Narrows – Part 1
(I double posted this one, but I didn't want to delete your comments along with the post, so I've...
And The Field Narrows – Part 2
More discussion on this story from the Wall Street Journal (via BooMan): Obama: “His focus now...
Here's A Shocker…
Charlie Gibson is slathered in barbeque sauce. Delicious! But I thought he, like all corporate...
Conservative Love
Here's some conventional wisdom to think about today... It's okay -- in fact, encouraged by the...