If there was any doubt about whether or not Senator McBush was a typical Bush Republican, this...
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Morning Awesome
"Baman Piderman" (I can't explain why this is awesome, but it just is.) Share this:Click to share...
More Like This One, Please
Bob Herbert gets it right re: The Barbeque Media... Can you imagine the firestorm of outrage and...
U.S. News rumor guy Paul Bedard: But if you want a really juicy rumor, consider who some key...
And The Field Narrows – Part 1
(I double posted this one, but I didn't want to delete your comments along with the post, so I've...
And The Field Narrows – Part 2
More discussion on this story from the Wall Street Journal (via BooMan): Obama: “His focus now...
Here's A Shocker…
Charlie Gibson is slathered in barbeque sauce. Delicious! But I thought he, like all corporate...
Conservative Love
Here's some conventional wisdom to think about today... It's okay -- in fact, encouraged by the...
El Douchebo
The Very Serious Mark Halperin has taken to replacing his very serious news posts with promotional...
They Forgot Vince Foster
The far-right conspiracy tweakers have stopped taking apart their televisions long enough to...