The corporate media gave President Bush and Senator McCain a free pass in lieu of patriotism and...
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'Generation Kill' Question
Do you get the impression that Marines aren't big fans of gay people? Share this:Click to share on...
Morning Awesome
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Take a good look at this photograph of the Bush family mansion in Kennebunkport today... ...and...
Optics Matter
The McBushies need to learn a thing or two about visuals -- optics. Senator John McCain hit back at...
Your Meaty Lunch Hates The Earth
As a lunchtime PB&J enthusiast, this bit via Ezra made me smile: Each time you have a plant...
Afternoon Awesome
Senator Leahy isn't intimidated by the Joker (watch for Leahy at the end). By the way, lots of...
McBush Bot
Paddy posted a revealing Today Show inteview with Meredith Viera and Senator McCain. Watch it, and...
Senator Lieberman explains what he's going to say at the Republican convention: "I'm gonna go to...
Halperin Squats in Barbeque
Not only did U.S. government stooges ask Maliki to walk back his statement of support for the Obama...