The Bush administration appears to be agreeing to -- not a time line for withdrawal -- but a time...
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Sara Benincasa over at MTV takes on the McShecky's comedy stylings here. Share this:Click to share...
Oh Goodie!
TPM: McCain told Gramm not to worry about the expected pitfalls of a campaign surrogate. Gramm will...
And So Is Dan Rather…
Jesse Jackson paved the way for "Osama Bin Laden". This never ceases to astonish me -- professional...
Republicans Are So Smart
Lookie what they figured out all by themselves. From the Texas Republican Party convention: Clever...
Shirtoff Chertoff Scaring Americans Again
IEEEEEE! "The terrorists are deliberately focusing on people who have legitimate Western European...
10 Years
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The Worst Possible Obama Running Mate
...Has to be Senator Bayh. I don't know if they're seriously considering this tepid DLC hack who...
Morning Awesome
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New Huffington Post Post
Presidential comedy and how President Bush and Senator McCain don't get it. Rape jokes, for example...