Riccardo Ricco -- "the Cobra" -- has been caught doping in the Tour de France. Watching him climb...
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Afternoon Awesome
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Tom Tomorrow Kicks My Ass
See, I tried to set up my post from Monday with a LONG preface suggesting that the Muslim rumor...
Rachel Maddow GO!
Photo: Bess Greenberg/The New York Times This is good news. More liberals on TV -- the tide...
Notify the Institution
Co-opting the image of the burning World Trade Centers as a de facto party emblem is really...
Morning Awesome
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'Fancy Lads'
This is turning into a theme day. Here we go again... Funny: And... Not Funny: One week after she...
Congress Has Two Parties, Right?
Fail: Congress July 16 Gallup Approve 14% Disapprove 75% But just a quick a note to any very...
The McBuschies Stole Our Laughter
And now we're humorless fussbudgets! Maureen Dowd on the New Yorker cover: At first blush, it would...
In Which I Yell At My Television
Breaking news just now on MSNBC... Senator Clinton changed her hair. Her part is now on the right...