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Republicans Aren't Funny
This is an on-going fascination of mine. It turns out -- not only are they unfunny, but when they...
Fake, Fake, Fake Part 2
This makes two corporate media feargasms this week that turned out to be faked. Share this:Click to...
Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday. "Truck Farmers!" Also, on this day in history, during "the brutal realities of that...
Fake, Fake, Fake
I hate quoting Drudge, but for now no-one else has this: Many of Iran's claims related to missile...
Slow News Day?
Oh fucking please. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...
Manchurian Candidate
One percent of voters think Senator Obama is Jewish. I like to joke about selling monorails to...
Heckuva Job
Oil hit $147 today. And instead of doing what's right, Congress spent the last two weeks...
Morning Awesome
(Had to drop the NBC video player and replace it. It was gunking up the site with NBC video player...
Dr. Phil Gramm
I don't know why the McCain campaign and their barbeque-slathered friends in the corporate media...