Guess what it's about today? If you guessed Senator McShecky's remarks about killing Iranian...
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Worst Person In The World
This is the most awful thing I've read this week: McCain was also asked about an Associated Press...
Morning Awesome
The Reel Geezers review Wall-E. Possible spoilers. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...
They've Run Out of News!
We began the day with Morning Joe discussing which script to use for this election: 1976 or 1980...
Senator McCain's soul, that is. Senator Obama blasted McCain today for supporting that awful and...
They're Effing Pickles, Malkin. Sheesh.
Here's a classic Michelle Malkin post in which she brings us a wingnut two-fer... She starts with...
Obama Defends His Progressivism
Senator Obama in North Carolina: “Look, let me talk about the broader issue, this whole notion that...
Oh You Stupid Rednecks
Sacha Baron Cohen is in the midst of filming his next movie, titled "Brüno: Delicious Journeys...
Public Service = Slavery
Far-right translucent sack of cottage cheese, Jonah Goldberg: There’s a weird irony at work when...
McCain = Bush
This is unbelievable. Also, don't miss the guy in the McBush pea pod costume. Classic. Share...