Yesterday, I saw the initial announcement of Helms' death on CNN, which was ironic since Helms'...
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MST3K Saturday. "Spring Fever." Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...
Mr. And Mrs. Ben Franklin
Oh great. Now there will be more Americans who believe that the real Ben Franklin and the real...
Based on the Huffington Post comments under my new post... 1) There are still plenty of Senator...
Morning Awesome
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New Huffington Post Essay
My extended take on Senator Obama's so-called "move to the center". Enjoy. Share this:Click to...
CNN Smells Like Barbeque
CNN: With the dust having finally settled after the prolonged Democratic presidential primary, a...
Rasmussen: Obama (D) 48% McCain (R) 43% Pat Buchanan's head just exploded. Share this:Click to...
Morning Joe
Picking up on Paddy's post about Morning Joe, here are a couple of observations: 1) Mika seriously...
Where's the Outrage?
By midday in Europe, light, sweet crude for August delivery rose $2.28 to a record $145.85 a barrel...