General Clark is on MSNBC standing his ground. "This is about requirements to be president." Right...
Latest Articles
I know there are probably about 2 people on this blog (including me) who dig pro cycling, but ...
The Last George Carlin Interview
Dated June 23, 2008 and it's one of the best interviews with Carlin I've ever read. Anyone who...
Run Away! Run Away!
Senator Lieberman is making as ass of himself. Again. "Our enemies will test the new president...
Overheard on MSNBC just now: "Republicans that I know of are surprisingly cool." Right on. Cool...
Note To Republicans
This is Swift Boating: As we're entering a week of attacks on General Clark and the Obama campaign...
Two Questions About General Clark
Does he suddenly work for the Obama campaign? And regardless, is anything he said not true? Just...
Morning Awesome
Born on this day... My brother Brian. Happy birthday, Kid. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
Step Forward, You Coward
A freeper named "Andy Martin" is the culprit behind the "Who Is Barack Obama?" rumor e-mails...
Isn't He Cute
One thing I've noticed during the eulogizing of George Carlin on TV... Several times this week...