Commenter 'e' from TRex's site: At the risk of sparking my own controversy, I do think we ought to...
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Lesser Of Two Evils
On his show last night, Mike Malloy was already talking about voting for Nader in November, and a...
Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday! "A Date With Your Family" Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
A Wanker? Really?
In a statement today, Senator Obama pledged to help remove the retroactive immunity section of this...
Here Comes The Obama Boom!
A new NEWSWEEK Poll shows that [Senator Obama] has a substantial double-digit lead, 51 percent to...
'Slavery By Another Name'
In the comments for the Attacking Obama... From the Left thread below, commenter 'natashacrk'...
The Cowards
UPDATE: And the rest. UPDATE THE SECOND: Congressmen Patrick Murphy and Joe Sestak voted 'yea'...
I Can Haz Water Ice, N00B
This just in: "Are you ready to celebrate? Well, get ready: We have ICE!!!!! Yes, ICE, *WATER ICE*...
I'm Ashamed To Be A Democrat Today
Why? This. Shame on you, Congressman Hoyer. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
Georgia Is In Play
But he's not transforming politics. Not at all. Insider Advantage: McCain (R) 44 (45) Obama (D) 43...