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Senator Obama's First General Election Ad
UPDATE: This ad is running in the following states (via AmericaBlog): Alaska, Colorado, Florida...
Attacking Obama… From The Left
There are some on "our" side who suddenly think it's a good idea to rip into Senator Obama. A...
The Map Obama 344 McCain 194 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...
The Enron Loophole
Watch this... and then send it to everyone you know. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in...
Cancer Cure
This is could be the one. A cancer patient has made a full recovery after being injected with...
Morning Awesome
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New Huffington Post Entry
Vlad Rudy is back from the fear mongering netherworld. Read all about it here. Share this:Click to...
Off-shore Drilling
I support off-shore drilling in just one place: the coastline of Kennebunkport. Years of messy...
Chuck Todd's Outrage
I'm not really freaked out by Chuck Todd's emotional reaction to that MoveOn ad with the baby...