Terrible news: BOSTON - A cancerous brain tumor caused the seizure Sen. Edward M. Kennedy suffered...
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Talking To Iran
It occurs to me that the McBush Republican attack on Senator Obama's call for diplomacy has nothing...
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The Turning Point For Senator Obama
There's a lot of primary post mortem discussion happening these days, and I was thinking about what...
The Very Serious Washington Post…
...published an op/ed in which columnist Kathleen Parker insinuates that Senator Obama and John...
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Happy birthday to Pete Townshend. 63 years old today. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens...
75,000 In Portland
Photo: Chris Carlson/Associated Press Photo via Christopher Hass Washington Post: The sea of heads...
Fox News Failures
So FOX News Sunday is funny this morning. Karl Rove talking about presidential politics, even...
Life Finds A Way
SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian man was gored in the thigh on Friday by an amorous stag after...
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