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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The hearing on Iraq depicted just how deeply divided Americans remain on the war...
General Petraeus mentioned this yesterday: "Every Iraqi is allowed an AK-47 in his house, by law."...
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On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. In...
New Al Gore Presentation
This is required viewing. So if you have some time, please watch and spread the word. Share...
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Buy Cliff Schecter's Book
Cliff wrote a book and you should buy it because Cliff is awesome. I haven't read it yet, but check...
The only thing more awesome than McCain-Romney would be McCain-Rice. Because there's this: And...
Mark Penn Quits Clinton Campaign
Penn resigns to spend more time with his Karl Rove playbook. And the process of the Clinton...
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