Extremely on the mark reader cscs over at TPM Cafe makes the connection between the lucky, lucky...
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High Pitch Buchanan: Shut Up
Buchanan was especially high pitch and especially racist last night on Abrams. Hang in there for...
Morning Awesome
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You’ve GOT to be kidding me
Via TPM, Geraldine Ferraro on how HARD it is for an African-American to be elected president: Ms...
Pennsylvanians: Reject and Denounce Racism
If you live in PA, are white, and are voting next month in the primary, I strongly encourage you to...
That way madness lies
Olbermann got it 100% right and then some tonight: Olbermann chose to frame his comment in terms of...
Spitzer v. Bush
Glenn Greenwald nails it: Governors who hire adult prostitutes must resign immediately lest the...
Afternoon Awesome
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New Huffington Item
This is a long one, so fix yourself a lovely sandwich and hunker down for Senator Clinton Isn't A...
Senator Obama with Chris Matthews
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