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When Sinbad knows you’re full of crap…
It's time for Hillary to stop the endless parade of crap emanating from her mouth region. Because...
Hillary Finally Makes the Cheer Squad!
Hillary Clinton is, not surprisingly, once again, lying, this is the lie about her foreign policy...
Geraldine Ferraro: Hillary’s Racist Friend
Via Kos, going back to NINETEEN-EIGHTY-EIGHT, Hillary Backer and closet Grand Dragon, Geraldine...
Oh Shit on a Stick!
I just spotted this headline on Drudge: Bush hopes Cheney visit to Mideast will rein in prices...
You Suck. But Whatever.
From the Oregonian. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...
When He's Right, He's Right
Chris Matthews hammers Joe Scarborough on the patriotism issue: Share this:Click to share on...
WTF? Creepy Gnome In South America
This is the craziest video I've seen in a while. It has to be a hoax, but it's a good one. Share...
About that phone call…
So let's give Hillary the benefit of the doubt, and assume she, unlike many top NY Dems, didn't get...
Okay, so when is Gerry quitting then?
So the Clinton campaign - not Hillary herself, of course - has weighed in on Geraldine Ferraro's...