And while I'm disappointed that my home planet didn't win, I'd like to congratulate Crooks &...
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Hillary: the Uber-Politician Part Deux
An anonymous reader at the TPM Cafe breaks down the dilemma of the ethically rudderless Senator...
Hillary: the Uber-Politician
Hillary Clinton today: When asked whether Gov. Spitzer could survive politically she said "let's...
Geraldine Ferraro: Schmuckhead
If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he...
A Prostitution Ring! Awesome!
Thanks, Governor Spitzer. You just added your name to a short list that includes the congressman...
Republican Strategist Mark Penn
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A Coup Is A Coup Is A Coup
Anyone with 3rd grade math skills can figure it out: Obama has won the nomination. But wait...
The Clintons Lost The Week
Markos adds up the delegates and superdelegates and discovers that Senator Clinton lost the week...
Tucker Carlson's show has been canceled. Now what are idiots and weirdos going to do every...