Like her DLC soulmate, Joe Lieberman, Hillary Clinton really is about one person: Hillary Clinton...
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Hillary’s Brain On Drugs
Red phone! McCain! Friend! NAFTA! Grain of salt! War! Thresholds! Fear! Fear! Ken Starr! McCain...
Rolling Stone
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Yeah, let’s talk about Ken Starr…
So Howard "I Get My Crack From Rush Limbaugh" Wolfson decided to invoke the name of Ken Starr today...
In All Fairness…
...this was really goddamn stupid. Obama foreign policy advisor Susan Rice today: “Clinton hasn’t...
The Liebercratic Party
Just now, Newsweek's Richard Wolffe and Keith Olbermann both compared Senator Clinton to Joe...
Screwing Thyself
I'm wondering if this is such a smart thing to keep saying: “I think that since we now know Sen...
DLC Lines You Can Xerox
Bruce Reed, president of the DLC, wrote the "change you can Xerox" line for Senator Clinton. How...
Freedom From Fear
Picking up on Rachel Maddow's mention of freedom from fear: And you don't attain freedom from fear...
Sekoff And Maddow on Dan Abrams
Abrams is hilarious when he's being deliberately oblivious. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...